I don’t desire to be in a movie, a TV show, or even a play, but I do think acting can be fun. I have a difficulty thinking of the right words to say generally, but with acting everything is written out for me. My shyness can stop me from talking to people to avoid sounding stupid. Except I regret not trying to start a conversation. Through acting I feel confident in myself and am able to make myself noticeable.
For example, my English teacher had the class read an assigned book together out loud. My teacher really liked how well I read because I imagined how the characters would sound and spoke like them with their emotions. Another example is that I briefly took some acting classes in Boston. We were instructed to speak lines from scenes and because I know exactly what to say and how to feel I believed I did a good performance even before the teacher could tell me I did.
Also, acting helps me practice how to talk to people. That is why occasionally I like to practice it even though I don’t expect to become famous or make a career out of it. Acting helps with my speech and it gives me ideas of things I should say. I feel better about myself and am encouraged to say what’s on my mind the next time I have the chance.
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